Thursday, May 24, 2012

My return response email to my father....

May 23rd, 2012


You will be happy to know that I never spoke to anyone in regards to religion. I researched this on my own for a very long time then asked questions. No, I am not a fanatic or extremist and will not be selling carnations at the airport dancing and singing "hare krishna" anytime soon or singing Kumbayah around the camp fire smoking funny cigs, (Robin told me to put anytime soon lol) In addition, I am not controlled by anyone or anything and have a brain and think for myself.

Islam is not about what you see on t.v. and what the media has portrayed it as. There are fanatics and extremists in every belief system from Christianity, to Islam, Judiaism, Hindu and so on....even Agnostic atheist or a realist (show me the proof) :) Those fundamentalists, extremists or fanatics do not represent all the people practicing those faiths as a whole and that includes Islam. All extremists of any belief hide behind beliefs and use them to justify their violence which says they are not really religious at all but very violent animals.

I found several videos on youtube after I converted to help answer questions from people. It is an American man about your age that converted 20 years ago and was a preacher no less. He does a dang good job at explaining things. Just so you know that Islam is not about extremists.

I am a huge believer in live and let live so I don't believe in debating others in their religious preferences. So thank you for your support in this. I would like to reitereate that drinking the "kool-aide" and being held up at a compound in the middle of no where praising a moon God and chanting in tounges is not gonna happen. Though I have heard Robin chanting to hereself lately so you may want to address that when she visits. :)

We are doing well and I will tell Kev you said hi.

You and Judy take care of yourselves and I hope all is well with you both.

Love you,


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