Thursday, August 9, 2012

Today’s Muslim Experience:

In light of all the scary hate crimes happening to people of different races, religions and sexual orientations, with all the bullying that happens causing so many to take their own lives making this world such an ugly place to live there comes a light from someone that brightens ones day.

I usually get questions from people such as, “do you wear that scarf because your husband makes you?” “Do you wear that because of your religion?” “Are you Muslim?” or “Oh, I love your scarf that is beautiful.”

When I see another Muslim we greet each other with As’Salamu ‘Alaikum or Salam. When I am in public I usually initiate the greeting with non-muslims wearing a huge smile and saying Hi, how are you today?

However, today was different while I was partaking in the great Kroger shopping experience minding my own business looking for some decaf tea (yup coffee and broke up and we are not getting back together). That is when I heard a very bold and intentional “Asalamu ‘Alaikum” as I looked up to see a young lady (about 18 or maybe 20) standing next to me with a smile on her face I replied “Wa ‘Alaikum Salam” with a huge grin on my face.

We ran across each other in a few more isles and even in check out. She was a very happy social young lady that has been the first non-Muslim to greet me with a Muslim greeting with such zest and love and acceptance outside of my friends and family.

Amazing how something so random and unexpected can make ones day and take away, even for the briefest of moments, the ugliness of the world we live in.

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