Tuesday, August 21, 2012

People never cease to amaze me in a good way

I live in an area with very few muslims and quite frankly I have not seen but a few here and there. The most I saw in one day was about four at a childrens even in Flint about three weeks ago and I was amazed. I thought I was alone up in these parts.

My perception of non-muslims is that they are against Islam and really know nothing about Islam. My experience online is different then seeing people in person.

Online: Experience on youtube alone is amazingly harsh. Many Atheists, Christians and racist bigots are finding courage from behind the keyboards and their attacks are calculating, malicous and horrifying. To think these people interact with the rest of society outside of the computer is terrifying and the actions of people like Wade Micheal Page who recently shot and killed 6 people at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin. Belonging to a white supremiscist group and was discharged from the military for "patterns of misconduct" is all to common.

It really makes one question the good in people and lose faith in humanity and the good in people. Then it happens every now and then, someone says something that totally dispells the notion that all people are against or hate Islam.

As my sister and I shopped at Khols I let out a few huge yawns that grabbed the attention of a woman about 65 or older. She said you can't be yawning right now don't you have to go home and make dinner. I assumed she was talking about Ramadan and I replied, no I can't participate in Ramadan this year so we already ate. She laughed and said no I just meant dinner but isn't Ramadan kind of like our Lent? I said it is very similiar.

I just love it when people surprise me with an open mind and knowledge. So wonderful and makes me feel happy that people recognize what I already know. I struggle with understanding some of the teaching of the Qur'an but I did also with the Bible so it is no different. It doesn't mean I don't want to be Muslim, but it means I have to find the answer within.

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