Sunday, November 4, 2012

My thoughts this month

Yesterday a man named Mohamed inboxed me on my facebook page and told me I was a good Muslim and thanked me for what I was doing. It came from a response I posted to OnIslam English ( This is the link to my comments Mohamed was inboxing me about:!/photo.php?fbid=531864653510253&set=a.160162380680484.35666.115203078509748&type=1&theater )

I feel that as a convert I have a different perspective on life and religions, as an American I have a different perspective on the issues within these religions. I am not a processional scholar nor do I know it all or do I think I am superior or America is superior to anyone or any country. What I do see from many Muslims is a contradiction of what they say their faith says and how they behave and what they say, especially about America and Americans. I see a lot of anti-American statements and feelings in the Muslim world from other countries pointing fingers and blaming America.

The comments you read in the link above are indicative of the ones I see a lot from Muslims from other countries and maybe some here in the U.S. I have seen other Muslims comment saying American Muslims are not real Muslims. These are the same comments I've heard from Christians about other Christians. Muslims pointing fingers at Christians, Christians pointing fingers at Muslims. Americans pointing fingers at the Middle East and Asia and the Middle East and Asia pointing fingers at America.

Am I the only one who thinks this is all ludicris? I am a great believer in taking a closer look into your own back yard and fixing the problems before pointing fingers, attacking and blaming others. One of the Muslims on the link above made the statement "u need to know ur faith there is no such thing as an extremist Muslim u believe or u don't." First this person is entitled to believe as they wish but this person is so very wrong in my opinion. Al-Qaeda has proven Muslim extremists exist and they have not been defending themselves, they have been attacking. Just ask Malala Yousafzi, a young activist, shot by the Taliban for speaking out and working for equality and education for young girls and women in Pakistan.

Christians will articulate (some in my own family will say this and not give Muslims the same respect ) that groups such as the Klu Klux Klan, Hutaree, The Convenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, Defensive Action, The Freemen Community, Lambs of Christ (and the list goes on) are not true Christians yet all these groups foundations are formed out of Christianity.

The truth (in my world) is that any religion when practiced the right way is peaceful and loving and accepting of other religions and respects the people who practice other religions even if it is not their own. When I took my Shahada my friends husband (a very kind Egyptian man) said we are to respect other people and their religions. We don't believe in their religion but respect their decision to practice it whether we think it is right or wrong. What he said was a no brainer for me since I already believed that as a Christian/spiritual believer before I converted.

The kind teachings from other Muslims is what I soak up and the love and respect I was taught growing up has been apart of my very foundation for what I live by today. My grandfather is a retired pastor and I grew up in a family of devout Christians who went to church every Sunday and sometimes on Wednesdays and then there was vacation bible school and "Confirmation" classes (much like Catholic Catechism). My very foundation and love and respect for religion and other religion comes from Christianity and how I was raised so all this hate and fear and disrespect for other people and religions is unacceptable to me. So when I see Muslims spread the same hateful beliefs as Christians and other religions (yes Christianity and Muslims are not the only ones to do this) I am not surprised but it is soooooooooooooooooo disheartening and mind blowing.

How is any peace to be reached with all this hate from all sides. Politics and the media just adds fuel to the fire to issues that have been alive for thousands of years. Ugh...

At the end of the day we can only hope to reach one (maybe) or two at a time with patience and love and prayer. Lots and lots of prayer just as I learned growing up.

By the way, this goes for hateful Atheists that spew hate as well....they will deny it just the same as Christians and Muslims and Hindu's and Jews (again the list goes on) but alas, hate is hate is hate is hate no matter how you slice and dice it. My father is Atheist, but he is so laid back and peaceful and one of the very reasons I believe in love and respect as I do. He is so accepting of me and my decisions and that is what touches my heart, his un-denying love. Everyone should have a daddy like I do. Everyone should have the family that I do. Although some of my family do not support me or understand they love me regardless and that is what is important.  

1 comment:

  1. This was a beautiful post Tracy and I am enjoying reading some of your others as well as I try to read through from the beginning. Your journey is touching to me for I found many of the same conflicts when I converted from Christianity to Pagan where I simply find nature very spiritual to me and try to stay connected with the earth and season while being loving and respectful to all other religions. In the end it is my spiritual beliefs though that has helped me always strive to be a better me and a better person and respectful stewardship of the earth we live to me is not a bad thing. Others do not see it that way and their actions can leave lasting stings like a local homeschool group that I started kicked me out of my own group and no homeschooler in this or surrounding towns will now even talk to my family, even though my husband is christian...... I am not and that is what matters.

    Anyways just wanted to let you know your journey is beautiful and thanks so much for so openly sharing.
