Saturday, November 24, 2012

As a convert I am in a world between to others.

As a convert I am in a world between two others; Christianity and Islam. I am blessed to be apart of both worlds since my whole family is Christian and my new family is Muslim. I have spoke before of my love for Christianity as it is the foundation that moved me to Islam.
As a convert I am also subjected to the hate and extremism of both sides. A hate that controls people and drives them to say and do mean and evil things. As a convert I receive the type of messages I have copy and pasted below every once and a while from both sides of the fence.
Racism, bigotry, intolerance and pure hate are beliefs and behaviors that destroy a person and the people around them or the subject of their hate. I have always said intolerance is always offensive no matter who it comes from.
Bigotry: "1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own." (
Racism: "1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races." (
Intolerance: "1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc." (
Hate: "dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry."(

Anger: A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. (

Here are two of the latest inboxes I have received by two people. One is Christian and one is Muslim.

"Tracey Demchyna
OK nutball, I've tried to block you several times, and yet you post your B S on my timeline.... My GOD is CHRIST soooo GO TFA.. Otherwise I will continue to report you as spam. SHAME ON GAZA.. PRAISE ISRAEL"

"Sam Mas

ur country is a terrorist nation killing innocent muslims and ur also one of them coz ur defending and supporting them.
bye bye terrorist.
may Allah help open ur eyes and indeed AMERICA IS THE WORLD'S BIGGEST TERRORIST."
When you read the above messages you will find one or more of the five subjects listed above as well (racism, bigotry, hate, intolerance, anger)  above. Lots and lots of anger is apparent.

When this comes from people of a religious faith it is more disturbing to me because I know that if any religion is practiced correctly a person is loving and peaceful and respectful of other religions. However, it is very off putting and people like the two above can push people away from a religion. The first, "Tracey," also made negative, hostile comments on someone elses page in regards to his interracial marriage to his wife. The second person "Sam" is an angry extremist Muslim who hates America and calls us terrorists. I have never been mean to him but pointed out I am a proud American and what he said is offensive and untrue. I "unfriended" Sam due to his behavior and his extremism and that is when he became irate and left me a nasty message calling me a "terrorist" then he (laughing my ass off) blocked me.

They're not the first people I have come across of practicing faiths that have harassed me or left me nasty messages nor do I suppose they are the last. If you really want a taste of the mean and nasty bigots, racists and religious extremists go to Youtube, you will not be disappointed if you are looking for those types of people.

I usually brush it off and let it go when people contact me with such bull crap. I find it humorous and sad all at the same time. Humorous because I laugh at the patheticness of it all (which I learned to do after leaving my last ex and after the light just popped on one day, I thought "ohh ohh it was him not me" *laughing*) and sad that people allow such hate to tunnel vision and control them.

I can make my own drama in life I don't need others to add drama and chaos. I have found making positive and good choices in life lessens drama and chaos.

I have said it before and will say it again, I rarely ever conform to what others believe I should say and do. I rarely follow the popular path or the path of most people. If I want to get a tattoo I will get a tattoo. If I want to marry a non-Muslim I will marry a non-Muslim. If I want to dance and sing I will do it and if I want to wear jewelry on my hijab I will. I am proud to be American and I love my country and if another Muslim doesn't like it to frick frackin bad, I don't give a rats butt. I am proud to be Muslimah and will shout it from the mountain tops, if I want to post or talk about my religion I will! If I want to move to an Islamic country I will (definitely no plans of that but just an example), if I want have all Muslim friends I will (I have both Muslim and non-Muslim and I am proud), if I want to take a stance against injustices (as I often do) I will, if I want to marry a Muslim and have a Muslim wedding I will and if Christians don't like it (family or not) to frick frackin bad! I don't give a rats butt!!! What is between God and I is between God and I. Only God knows my intentions. I do not need baby sitters. Ok, enough of my soap box rant.

People who are so consumed with hate will most likely and eventually lash out at others who are the subject of their hate and I've apparently been the subject of their hate and lashings out. I say it once again, I have said it before and I will say it again, if people don't like it feel free to hit "unfriend" or let me be! Truly it makes no difference to me I have learned I can not consume other peoples anger or worry whether they love me or accept me or not. Of course rejection will always sting but it must be put in perspective. I have had family delete me or hardly talk to me or not talk to me at all or like my step father always have something condescending to say (he doesn't have another time to say something without me saying something back he will get a long awaited cussing out) and it really doesn't hurt me anymore to let them go.

In the end, people will be who they are and we can't let their negativity consume us.


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