Struggles come and go with me and Islam. Right now I do not pray as I should. No excuse just lazy but I am very aware of it and everyday I push myself. I dove head first into being all I could be as a Muslim and have found it still overwhelming. It is a complete change from what I once was. Its not a bad thing, just different.
I am still having a great experience working in Ann Arbor. If anyone doesn't like Muslims I wouldn't know it. I am always complimented on my scarves which some Muslims would say is haram to get a compliment because it means its drawing attention. My opinion on the matter is that being a hijabi and Muslim draws attention regardless of what I am wearing because what I am wearing makes me stand out.
I have found myself in debates with other Muslims but have discovered as with Christianity there are evangelicals, fundamentalists and of course extremists as well. Debating is a waste of time and I have deleted a few fb pages from my list. Maybe some have good intentions but at this point it is to over whelming and the messages are too inconsistent and I must chose whom I get my information from. I have a few people I keep close and haven't been to a Mosque yet. I have never been one to conform to another person or groups thought process and it holds true for Islam as well. I will study and read and come to my own conclusions on the lessons.
Most recently was the talk on the "camel hump" with all the quoting and the interpretations of the quotes I came to the conslusion that it is all up to intentions and that Allah will know at the end of our days.
I have found Ann Arbor has a large Muslim community and it is inspiring when I am greeted by another Muslim. It pushes me to get my books out to learn more Arabic. I have a website I can go to on my phone
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