Monday, October 1, 2012

A new job

Well, I was hired at a Costco Warehouse a couple weeks ago and I am happy to have a job. It is not full time so I am afraid it will not pay my bills nor is it going to help me pay for a place to live. But starting over isn't easy.

However, last night a customer made my whole day and this is what happened.

So last night at work I was filling in at the door marking off reciepts as customers left and an older man in his 70's walks up to me and our conversation was as follows:

Man: "Are you Muslim?"

Me: "yes sir."

Man: "Well I will make you a deal, you pray for me and I will pray for you."

Me: "Deal"

Man: "Peace be upon you"

Me: "Walaykum Salam"

That totally made my day!
It is experiences like this that totally dispell the perception Muslims outside of the United States have let alone the ones that have a horrible experience living here. The majority of my experiences have been wonderful.

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