Peoples prejudices, hate and fears control them and it produces an ugly person and is rearing its ugly head more and more. Most times we just have to ignore them and walk away and other times we have to defend ourselves. Most people who know me know that I have a wee little bit of a mouth on me and I really have a teensy weensy problem holding back especially when someone does something stupid, ignorant or heinous. Just a little, not bad…… :/
So today (06/22/2012) a so called “Christian” man who had been attacking me for supporting Christian women who wear hijab (my comment was actually made when I was still a Christian and basically stated I loved wearing a hijab and support women who do.) Anyway, I received an inbox from this person who sent me a horrific video of a man who converted from Islam to Christianity being beheaded by Muslim extremists. So this fundamentalist extremist Christian sent me a video of Muslim extremists committing a truly heinous act. Smh…..What the? Are you kidding me? Huh….ok I got this…..
I took my hijab off for a brief moment and had a talk with him “Inksta style” and put my hijab back on. (For those who don’t know, taking my hijab off is a metaphor, I didn’t do it literally) I bet he doesn’t send me another video or reply. BET!!! I wish a mutha f*$&@ would!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I am not posting this for anything more than documenting as a part of my journey. I know there are people out there like this, I know we should ignore this and I know I was going to get this type of reaction from people. However, it’s one thing to have an opinion or belief; it’s another to blatantly disrespect and attack me because of your misinformed, preconceived notions of fear and hate. I will bite back!!!!!!!! I really don’t care if your family, friend or stranger in this regard. We all know this all ready.
I would share the inbox with the video he sent me but it is to graphic and henious and I do not support Muslim extremists or any extremists from any religion.
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