Masha'allah my son (24 years old) told me today that he is thinking about converting to Islam. Tears well up in my eyes. He said he has been listening to the videos I sent him and reading the book and he said it just makes more sense. Insha'allah he finds his way to Islam. It has to be his own research and his own dicission.
I originally gave him the video so he could understand what the religion was that I converted to. He has sense been looking for other videos and educating himself Subhan'Allah!
My son is very protective of me and always has been so it is no surprise that he is very aware of others who take notice of me. Bless him he is a very observant young man even as I am totally oblivious to the stares and frowns of others. I was proud because today when he noticed an elderly man starring at me while we ate he brought up the good things about both Christianity and Islam and their huge similiarities which was amazing since any other time he would have confronted the person. Today he was much more interested in engaging in good conversation on an excellant topic.
Islam has a lot of good to teach my son. I pray he finds his way.
No other religion has affected me nor has any other religion put tears in my eyes and joy in my heart as Islam has. It is such a misunderstood religion and I wish people could see what I saw in it before my conversion and now after. I knew from a very young age I was drawn to women who wore a veil (hijab) but didnt know why. It was as if I was destined to find Islam and the second I put a scarf on I knew it would never come off.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Another family member deletes me
My cousin has deleted me from facebook. Although this is family I am not hurt. It is their choice. I make no apologies for who I am or what I believ in. Facebook is only a social site and I wouldn't have contact with this cousin outside of facebook. Regardless, they were not happy with my political statements or my religious changes and that is ok. I wish them much love and happiness. (((hugs))))
Christian harasses and attacks me on the social network Youtube.
I have learned a lot about people, ones I know and don't know on my journey.
Anyone who truly knows me knows I am no terrorist and have only love in my heart.Islam is a peaceful loving religion and I love my religion. I love Allah!!!! I like to think I get that from my upbringing and have that foundation to build off of. I changed my faith not me, my culture or my Loyalty to my country.
I would share the inbox with the video he sent me but it is to graphic and henious and I do not support Muslim extremists or any extremists from any religion.
Peoples prejudices, hate and fears control them and it produces an ugly person and is rearing its ugly head more and more. Most times we just have to ignore them and walk away and other times we have to defend ourselves. Most people who know me know that I have a wee little bit of a mouth on me and I really have a teensy weensy problem holding back especially when someone does something stupid, ignorant or heinous. Just a little, not bad…… :/
So today (06/22/2012) a so called “Christian” man who had been attacking me for supporting Christian women who wear hijab (my comment was actually made when I was still a Christian and basically stated I loved wearing a hijab and support women who do.) Anyway, I received an inbox from this person who sent me a horrific video of a man who converted from Islam to Christianity being beheaded by Muslim extremists. So this fundamentalist extremist Christian sent me a video of Muslim extremists committing a truly heinous act. Smh…..What the? Are you kidding me? Huh….ok I got this…..
I took my hijab off for a brief moment and had a talk with him “Inksta style” and put my hijab back on. (For those who don’t know, taking my hijab off is a metaphor, I didn’t do it literally) I bet he doesn’t send me another video or reply. BET!!! I wish a mutha f*$&@ would!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I am not posting this for anything more than documenting as a part of my journey. I know there are people out there like this, I know we should ignore this and I know I was going to get this type of reaction from people. However, it’s one thing to have an opinion or belief; it’s another to blatantly disrespect and attack me because of your misinformed, preconceived notions of fear and hate. I will bite back!!!!!!!! I really don’t care if your family, friend or stranger in this regard. We all know this all ready.
I would share the inbox with the video he sent me but it is to graphic and henious and I do not support Muslim extremists or any extremists from any religion.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Conversion to Islam is not easy. Going from praying when I felt the need to, to 5 times a day is demanding and I am failing thus far. I am working on it, even if it is reciting the rakats and tashood but alas I need to work harder at it.
Do I think I made a mistake converting? NO! Not on your life. It feels right and I know I have done the right thing for myself. I notice small differences in myself. If someone scorned me before conversion I would pray karma would get them and punish them. Now I pray for them and I pray Allah guides them in the right direction.
Insh'allah, I will meet my own goals for prayer from now on.
Struggling with the fact that I am only supposed to marry a muslim man is a whole other ball of wax. I would prefer to stay single if I can't marry someone I love as opposed to "having" to marry within my religion. Do I feel oppressed about this issue? NO! Because at the end of the day I will be making my own decision for myself and pray Allah understands. I am still an American independant woman with American culture running through my viens. It is a bit of a tug of war but will take time. It it comes down to being forced to marry muslim (which isn't a bad thing) or marrying someone I love.....well what do you tink I will do. The future remains to be seen. I am Muslim and have only dated black men. (Not remotely attracted to white men) so there is comfort in knowing there are black muslim men out there for me to chose from. Hopefully at my age I will find one that matches my personality, thoughts and beliefs.
Do I think I made a mistake converting? NO! Not on your life. It feels right and I know I have done the right thing for myself. I notice small differences in myself. If someone scorned me before conversion I would pray karma would get them and punish them. Now I pray for them and I pray Allah guides them in the right direction.
Insh'allah, I will meet my own goals for prayer from now on.
Struggling with the fact that I am only supposed to marry a muslim man is a whole other ball of wax. I would prefer to stay single if I can't marry someone I love as opposed to "having" to marry within my religion. Do I feel oppressed about this issue? NO! Because at the end of the day I will be making my own decision for myself and pray Allah understands. I am still an American independant woman with American culture running through my viens. It is a bit of a tug of war but will take time. It it comes down to being forced to marry muslim (which isn't a bad thing) or marrying someone I love.....well what do you tink I will do. The future remains to be seen. I am Muslim and have only dated black men. (Not remotely attracted to white men) so there is comfort in knowing there are black muslim men out there for me to chose from. Hopefully at my age I will find one that matches my personality, thoughts and beliefs.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Was deleted yet again by another friend/ex-coworker
I don't know how long ago a former male police co-worker deleted me from face book but he did. This would be the same person who said I was strange for wearing the hijab and said my hijab is a symbol of women being oppressed and a symbol and reason American soldiers are being hurt and killed.
How do I feel about this? I feel no sadness or disappointed what-so-ever. This is someone who gave me hell when I first started at the police department, became one of my best friends and told me I turned out to be a very good officer and after I left the department nothing. He did defend me when it came to my dv situation and I appreciated that. Sometimes, people change as they evolve through life but that doesn't give anyone to mistreat and speak poorly to another person.
I think I have made many police officers mad because I have stood up and I am telling my experience as a police officer and the relationships with other officers and some of them are very negative and shine an inside light into the world of women in policing. Officers tend to not like people talking crap about officers or first responders period for several reasons. So I am sure that my blogging about our last conversation and the fact that I converted had something to do with it. Also that I hold a strong opinion about police behavior and actions that are uncalled for. Having been on both sides of the fence I have a well rounded view of the issue.
Anyway, no loss for me. I do not need that negativity in my life but I will pray for him and Insha'allah he stays well and blessed.
How do I feel about this? I feel no sadness or disappointed what-so-ever. This is someone who gave me hell when I first started at the police department, became one of my best friends and told me I turned out to be a very good officer and after I left the department nothing. He did defend me when it came to my dv situation and I appreciated that. Sometimes, people change as they evolve through life but that doesn't give anyone to mistreat and speak poorly to another person.
I think I have made many police officers mad because I have stood up and I am telling my experience as a police officer and the relationships with other officers and some of them are very negative and shine an inside light into the world of women in policing. Officers tend to not like people talking crap about officers or first responders period for several reasons. So I am sure that my blogging about our last conversation and the fact that I converted had something to do with it. Also that I hold a strong opinion about police behavior and actions that are uncalled for. Having been on both sides of the fence I have a well rounded view of the issue.
Anyway, no loss for me. I do not need that negativity in my life but I will pray for him and Insha'allah he stays well and blessed.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Even the smallest of compliments are a good sign and contact from intolerent people is annoying!
I live in an area where I do not see many Muslimah women in mid-Michigan. When I do we exchange hello's in the way of Asalama alaykum. I haven't had too many negative reactions by non-Muslims thus far. In the last few weeks I have had women tell me that my scarves are very pretty. Including today and it puts a smile on my face. My religion might not be theres but they are peaceful and accepting.
The negative contact I have had with people I do not know have been inboxes on social sites like Youtube where Christians attack me and Islam leaving long messages. Such as the one below:
"sorry i cant find the URL again i apologize for that, listen islam is not the solution im sure its given you a brand new identity and i bet its because you were either a slut or you were force fed christianity to much and you started despising either both or, your a traitor but, is your new faith faith or spite? you wont be the first person who was taught the wrong way, as christians we also live by our own free will and the more you emulate jesus the nicer person you are. people do that without prayer 5 times a day fasting and so on. if you enjoy putting your body through rigorous self righteousness dont starve yourself go climb a mountain, maybe you will see god or mohammed with his sword. the truth is you wear islam like a badge and you know its 'bullcrap' really as you say. i could sit here explaining how mohammed was a pedophile but it would be like talking to a brick wall wouldn't it. the thing is i don't want to know why you reverted but why you ignore the discrepancy's of filth and hypocrisy inside your sparkling brand new religion. how did this ignorance suddenly make you 'free'?
mohammed slayed africans, then prophesied 'slave rape' as booty which conveniently abrogates adultery. called them raisin heads.
he married a 6 year old and masturbated his penis between her thighs until he decided her hole was big enough when she was 9.
as a female why would you make exceptions for a religion which is clearly unequal and sexist? mohammed said he saw hell and it was mostly filled with women. how did that happen? did these women go to hell for confiding themselves into the kitchen? because they have no say and there testimony is 4 times less in an islamic court if they get raped? because if a woman cant prove she got raped then not only is she sentenced by the islamic court she also goes to hell, is that really the will of god?
listen christians believe jesus was the son of god all that requires is faith! ive said this a million times even if jesus isnt true the new testament is a great blueprint for mankind. if you dont believe make a comparison with western culture or islamic 7th century culture which they enforce, its a no brainer. the muslims those of satan may argue 'how can god be a man' in a nutshell you was sold on that rhetoric when you sold out and now your convinced by that one little thing. religion always requires faith its mandatory but you forgot something very very important which the muslims dont tell you and that is god can be whatever he wants even a man, allah even said this you can check. so what do you prefer? re-interpreting what type of message mohammed married a 6 year old means, then constantly lying what it means or play it safe with christianity?
if god gave you and you only the choice for mankind which person to resurrect you know would pick jesus so stop the 'bullcrap'. choosing islam could be the biggest mistake ever and if we do answer to god dont expect sympathy because you thought it was following the word of god and he will forgive you for it and open the gates, he wont. follow your heart for that is only the deeds of what is holy."
That was left in my inbox on Youtube by "LIVEREALFOOLED"
***It was obvious this person knows not one thing about Islam, the prophet or Allah outside of the media and hateful rants of bigots and I asked this person not to contact me again and he did with another long diseration. I have no hard feelings for someone like this but I have no time for ignorance either**
The negative contact I have had with people I do not know have been inboxes on social sites like Youtube where Christians attack me and Islam leaving long messages. Such as the one below:
"sorry i cant find the URL again i apologize for that, listen islam is not the solution im sure its given you a brand new identity and i bet its because you were either a slut or you were force fed christianity to much and you started despising either both or, your a traitor but, is your new faith faith or spite? you wont be the first person who was taught the wrong way, as christians we also live by our own free will and the more you emulate jesus the nicer person you are. people do that without prayer 5 times a day fasting and so on. if you enjoy putting your body through rigorous self righteousness dont starve yourself go climb a mountain, maybe you will see god or mohammed with his sword. the truth is you wear islam like a badge and you know its 'bullcrap' really as you say. i could sit here explaining how mohammed was a pedophile but it would be like talking to a brick wall wouldn't it. the thing is i don't want to know why you reverted but why you ignore the discrepancy's of filth and hypocrisy inside your sparkling brand new religion. how did this ignorance suddenly make you 'free'?
mohammed slayed africans, then prophesied 'slave rape' as booty which conveniently abrogates adultery. called them raisin heads.
he married a 6 year old and masturbated his penis between her thighs until he decided her hole was big enough when she was 9.
as a female why would you make exceptions for a religion which is clearly unequal and sexist? mohammed said he saw hell and it was mostly filled with women. how did that happen? did these women go to hell for confiding themselves into the kitchen? because they have no say and there testimony is 4 times less in an islamic court if they get raped? because if a woman cant prove she got raped then not only is she sentenced by the islamic court she also goes to hell, is that really the will of god?
listen christians believe jesus was the son of god all that requires is faith! ive said this a million times even if jesus isnt true the new testament is a great blueprint for mankind. if you dont believe make a comparison with western culture or islamic 7th century culture which they enforce, its a no brainer. the muslims those of satan may argue 'how can god be a man' in a nutshell you was sold on that rhetoric when you sold out and now your convinced by that one little thing. religion always requires faith its mandatory but you forgot something very very important which the muslims dont tell you and that is god can be whatever he wants even a man, allah even said this you can check. so what do you prefer? re-interpreting what type of message mohammed married a 6 year old means, then constantly lying what it means or play it safe with christianity?
if god gave you and you only the choice for mankind which person to resurrect you know would pick jesus so stop the 'bullcrap'. choosing islam could be the biggest mistake ever and if we do answer to god dont expect sympathy because you thought it was following the word of god and he will forgive you for it and open the gates, he wont. follow your heart for that is only the deeds of what is holy."
That was left in my inbox on Youtube by "LIVEREALFOOLED"
***It was obvious this person knows not one thing about Islam, the prophet or Allah outside of the media and hateful rants of bigots and I asked this person not to contact me again and he did with another long diseration. I have no hard feelings for someone like this but I have no time for ignorance either**
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